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"Unlikely Bond" Reviews/Comments [ 466 ]
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 Title: 70 and 71
Reviewed By: Venus Legacy not logged  On: February 02, 2008 05:04 PST
it's so amazing watching the saiyan style family progress, new roles are defined, old ones strengthened...they coexhist as if it was always meant to be that way. Although I wonder if Daikkon is deliberately planting suggestions about the saiyan-style family into their heads and for what reason. The comment he made to Piccolo made me wonder a bit, although it could be innocent "and hopefully once again see the Saiyan race return to its former glory." I'm not sure how far ahead this story will pan out but a comment in ch 70 made me feel a bit sad for Vegeta, and his fellow saiyan, the fact that when their respective human spouse dies, at say 80, they will have 150 years of loneliness to look forward to. I guess here I can see Daikkon's notion of the shoume being useful, if the relationship of Goku and Vegeta progresses that way. I really enjoyed the way you wrote Vegeta in 71 (although I always enjoy him in your story ) But in this chapter I got a sense of one of the reasons why I enjoy your depiction of him, when Vegeta says : "I am not unwell," he began, the smirk returning to his lips. "I am not displeased with our living arrangement." Trunks raised an eyebrow. "Kakkarot's wife cooks well... Kakkarot is not too bothersome." The teen smiled. "I always get enough sleep. And the boys... They are not too bothersome." And then when Trunks says "He wondered why it was easier for the prince to say what he wasn't feeling, as opposed to what he was..." I think that is such a sharp observation about Vegeta's persona, and it is right on point. You've taken such thought into having each character have their own mode of expression, which I think is one of the reasons why the depth of your characterisations is so rich. That's why I enjoy the dialogue, the communication between the characters, even Chi Chi and Vegeta (their silent agreements, and hidden meanings which they express to each other) their relationship is one I didn't expect, yet one which works very well.
 Title: Chapter 18
Reviewed By: vegamarie [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2008 22:30 PST
I want read more, but sadly I need to go to bed. However, this is probably one of the best DBZ stories I have read in a very long time. It's definitely not the kind of story for the slight of heart, but that's what makes it so good. You really have both Vegeta and Bulma's characters pegged to a T. Actually, everybody so far has been in character, which just points out how terrific an author you are for being able to do so while having such a serious topic as the central theme for your plot. And this chapter...Goku's got to be pregnant. He's still sort of in denial, which is understandable. I'm sort of dreading what both he and Vegeta do if that's the case. And also how Chi-Chi will act once she finds out the absolute truth: that Vegeta was the one who hurt Goku, even if it was forced on the both of them and they're both suffering in their own way.
 Title: Chapter 8
Reviewed By: vegamarie [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2008 21:03 PST
Wow...I almost started crying, both Goku and Vegeta's pain being so obvious. You're writing truly expresses how powerless they both feel and how disgusted they are with what they have to do in order to protect their children. I especially love how you showed both Goku's feelings and then Vegeta's, especially since it seems Vegeta has suffered something like this in the past. It was a very sad moment, but a moment that shows Vegeta's growth and capacity to care when he thinks of how terrible it must be for Goku. Terrific read so far!
 Title: chapter 4
Reviewed By: vegamarie [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2008 20:35 PST
Well, I hope I don't bother you with a bunch of reviews, but when I really like a story, I usually fire them off. This chapter certainly set the stage for what is to come. I was surprised that Vegeta didn't seem to know about the third class's special ability. And I like the how the hostage situation forces Vegeta and Goku to come to some sort of decision, even though neither seem like they are very happy about what could possibly awaits them. And who would in their situation? This Horenz guy reminds me in a lot of ways like Hitler. I hope that doesn't offend, but he does through his efforts to create a pure blooded royal heir. Looking forward to reading more.
 Title: chapter 3
Reviewed By: vegamarie [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2008 20:15 PST
I've always wanted to write an AU science fiction type adventure with my favorite Saiyajins, but my creativity is sadly lacking. But what mine is lacking, yours is not. So far, and I'm only through chapter three, it's a very gripping and intense story, and you can certainly feel the emotions the characters are feeling. Considering that both Goku and Vegeta are effectively powerless, they're taking their captivity rather well. I appreciate that you give light to Vegeta's intelligence and tactical thinking mind. I'm definitely looking forward to reading what you have in store for Goku, Vegeta, Bra, and Goten.
 Title: 71
Reviewed By: Yuikey [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2008 20:13 PST
Great chapter. I hope you feel better (>_
 Reviewed By: lovecoma [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2008 19:02 PST
Hooray! I was starting to get worried this story was dead. Sorry to hear about your real life issues. This chapter was very nice. I'm glad to see Bulla taking interest in something other than sparring as there are other things out there. The Vegeta/Goku wasn't as prominent as chapters past but there was still a nice, subtle hint that I can cling to. The Trunks/Goten was sweet. And as for Daikon, I still expect him to turn traitor. In fact, I kinda hope he does just because he seems so skevy anyway and several people distrust him; surely that many people's instincts can't be wrong. So. Very glad to see this updated and I eagerly await the next chapter. :D
 Reviewed By: Zofo  On: February 01, 2008 17:22 PST
Thanks for updating, I'm always checking here to see if you have. Another wonderful chapter. Chi-chi seems to be coming round to the Saiyan way of family but Vegeta still seems a bit reluctant. Nice to see him and Trunks spend some quality time together, and his reunion with the babies was very cute. Sorry to hear you've been in poor health, hope you are better now.
 Reviewed By: vegamarie [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2008 17:12 PST
Wow, reading the first chapter, I'm hooked already! It will probably take me a while to read, but it promises to be very interesting, entertaining, and an all around good read.
 Reviewed By: rdk  On: February 01, 2008 06:29 PST
*sighs contently* Well done as usual. I really do love this growing respect between Chichi and Vegeta to the point he trusted her to keep and eye on Daikkon while he is gone. Vegeta smirked, dropping his own bag by the door, so preoccupied with his approval over not seeing Daikkon that he barely noticed his annoyance over seeing Yamucha. Hehe, I like this line. He's found someone that annoys him more than Yamcha.
 Reviewed By: Zofo  On: January 26, 2008 20:20 PST
This is one of the best DBZ stories I have ever read. You have kept them so in character and believeable. You are truely remarkable! Although I secretly hope Goku and Vegeta will get even closer, I trust your judgement on the plot and eagerly look forward to more.
 Title: WOW!
Reviewed By: Sarah aka Vega [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 08, 2008 06:52 PST
Ok, I just read chapter 19 last night. After two nights of sleeping very late and some wasted time at work I am at less than 1/3 of the story, but that makes me happy because it gives me stuff to look forward to, hehe… First of all, I want to say that I should hate you for pulling on my heartstrings like that but I can't, you're too talented. I envy you, but that's another story -_*. I am grateful you handled the initial, erm, circumstances so tastefully. Graphic descriptions would have turned me off so badly. The whole Saiyan thing was a bit random but well, the whole fanfic needed a backstory. I don't understand why they didn't just blast them to the seventh circle of hell… Perhaps its not the last we've seen of them? I don't know, I guess I got to keep reading, LOL. I LOVED the way you portrayed ALL the characters. I specially adore your Goten. Trunks being so smart and working with his mom in the lab was a genius touch. I like their friendship and wish it would stay at that but I already know it won't… oh well… I totally get Chichi's anger and Bulma's attempts to help out. Its so them. I also understand how Goku is just trying to get by while Vegita simmers in his resentment and takes it out on poor Goku-sa. Again, I should hate you for doing this to me, ugh. It's so sad, the situation they are in now. It really touched me when Bulma told Vegita he deserves to be happy….This is a very important question… Is this story going to have a happy ending? Because as long as it does, I will be ok. Give me all the angst and weird situations and anguish you want but I need for this story to end well. Will it? Obviously, you've capture another reader, hehehe.
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 16, 2007 19:51 PST
sigh. whimper. I guess real life strikes again. Its been two months. I hope your holidays are good.
 Reviewed By: Bleeper  On: November 17, 2007 14:40 PST
I just finished the last chapter... =( I only realized it when I stared at the empty space where the link to the next chapter should have been... It's..... I need more! I'm really glad you mentioned having started on the next chapter already-- I always have trouble starting them, well, never mind finishing them. ;P Now, about the twins. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be just one baby, it just didn't feel right. But I'm so glad you did! I can't wait for them to grow up and see them interact with the rest of the gang. I mean a mini-Vegeta-look-alike with the personality of Goku and vice versa? CUTE! Another aspect of the story I really like is Vegeta and Chi Chi's 'companionship'. I always wonder why authors automatically assume the two can't stand each other... I mean, I can understand, but they never really give any reason to other than they hate each other's guts. It's nice to see someone writing about the parallels in their lives. Not to mention Bulma & Goku VS Vegeta & Chi Chi... How can this not be entertaining? Well. What else? Ah, the Trunks/Goten 'subplot'! I didn't really expect that one, but it's certainly a nice surprise. I do feel bad for the girls, but these two just complete each other. =D I find myself wondering how much of this story you wrote on a whim-- because myself? I usually always write on a whim. But this story of yours, it's like a puzzle where slowly but surely all pieces fit into place the farther we get. It's awesome. Then again, if you did write on a whim, kudos! It takes some skill to make it all fit. *__* Hmmm, how will this story end? It's a sad thing to think about but it will have to eventually. When the kids are all grown up, maybe? Or is that sequel material? And what's in store for Daikkon? Yes, I read your comment about him in the salon and I'm curious! XD Ah, I guess I'll have to wait patiently like all the others. *le sigh* Really can't wait for the next update! And again thank you for the lovely read! =D
 Reviewed By: Bleeper  On: November 16, 2007 14:37 PST
Well, I finally reached Chapter 50! =D I really wanted to review sooner but I couldn't keep from telling myself 'just one more chapter' over and over again. Haha, I'm so glad Goku and Vegeta made up and became friends. After all they've been through it's nice to see them act like old buddies toward each other. Well, as much as you can expect from Vegeta, I guess. ;P Ah, I read this particular author's note about how most people sided with Vegeta on getting rid of the baby and I just wanted to say... I'm with Goku on this. Really, I'm glad you didn't let Goku get persuaded by anyone! Hmmm, I'm also glad the feel of the story has lightened up. Don't get me wrong, I loved the plot and I'm betting I will keep loving it till the end, but the guys all deserve to have their spirits lifted. xD And the whole baby shower idea is grand! I was almost starting to think you wouldn't be adding any more of the side characters and yes I did wonder what was keeping Choazu and ol' Three Eyes. His reaction to the invite was awesome! Let's see. I am in LOVE with Mal and Eiyu. They're wonderful characters and I'm glad you put them in! Usually OCs tend to detract from a story (to me) but they fit in so well. I'm actually hoping they will get invited to the baby shower! WAAAH~ the shower! I really can't wait for that! I'm intentionally keeping myself from reading on because this is Chapter 50. Only 20 more to go! I don't feel up to bridging the gap just yet... =( Well, maybe one more chapter before I go to bed... %D
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