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"Unlikely Bond" Reviews/Comments [ 466 ]
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 Title: Chapter 56
Reviewed By: Katiefoolery [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 05, 2007 03:38 PST
There were some really touching moments in this chapter - I think my favourite was right towards the start, when Vegeta was thinking "better me than her". It reminded me exactly of what had brought them to this whole situation all those chapters ago. And I still don't trust Daikkon. I'll probably look really silly when the story ends and he ends up being completely innocent... but I still think there's something going on there. And I just loved the little scene with Vegeta and Vejita towards the end there. The way he spoke to the little one just made me smile.
 Title: Ch 56 one more thing
Reviewed By: Venus legacy no logged to be honest i've forgotten it lol  On: February 05, 2007 02:05 PST
Oh yeah I also wanted to say about the ki of Ninji, I was wondering if it is similar to what Goku had when he was a baby, his ki was also undetectable and the saiyansd assumed that he had no ki that he was a weakling, maybe the same thing is happening with Ninji. Although his ki is undetectable,he may be really strong, he could have an immense power reserve rivalling goku's when he is older, as yet undetected. Man I can't wait to see how you plan this out.
 Title: Chap 56
Reviewed By: venus legacy not logged  On: February 05, 2007 01:59 PST
I really enjoyed this chapter, especially reading the father and 'mother' dynamic of Vegeta and Goku, it warms my heart every time I see Vegeta interacting with his children with lil Vejita affectionately held across his shoulder. I wonder about the housing arrangements for the children, I felt sad when they had to leave and glad when Bulla spoke her mind about the anxiety which both households were feeling over the twins departure and where they will stay. She is so smart and intuitive for her age, I think it had to be said by Bulla as no one else would have said anything. I wonder what the arrangements will be from now on, will Vegeta have to visit the Son household every night? Will the Son's decide to move into the Brief household? And what about the relationship of Chi chi and Vegta, how will that be impacted by these recent changes. Already I can feel the awkwardness and thick tension which arises whenever Vegeta and Chi Chi are in the same room. I felt for Daikkon in this chapter, hearing him explain the situation to Goku and Bulma made me feel sympathy for him especially when he said: '"Because..." he began uncertainly, "it is my place, as a Saiyan, to serve my king... And if I do not have favor with him, I..." His eyes darted to Bulma, before turning back to Goku. "I have... nothing."' He is so scared of receiving Vegeta's disapproval, I guess it is understandable that he reacted how he did, but then when Bulma said this: 'but Vegeta had to be wrong in thinking that the young man had any ulterior motives. Wasn't he a victim, too?' It made me question him again, but I know Daikkon would never want any harm to come to Goku or the babies he will protect them to the end, whether he has a hidden motive which he has not yet revealed to the others I am unsure.
 Reviewed By: Webtester01 (not logged in)  On: February 02, 2007 19:12 PST
Wow. That was great. I like how Vegeta brought out some points to Goku's attention, and how Goku is dealing with his new role. The little ones, are most ceartainly well received by the others. As for Vegeta patting Trunks on the back, I think it was more of a swat. :-P Anyway great job; I look forward to the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: Orchideater [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 19, 2007 02:09 PST
He really IS breastfeeding them?! Eeeeew... sorry, but... eeeeew... *heebie jeebies* Poor Goku. Good for Krillan, getting the others out of the room before Goku had to actually say they needed to feed. And I know he's just probably trying to help Goku, but what's up with Vegeta scoffing at his embarrassment (no sympathy whatsoever, jeez)! It's not about disrespecting women or mothers, it's about identity. Everybody needs an identity to be stable, and to expect someone who's been comfortable in their identity all their life to suddenly be ok with changing their gender identity is ridiculous. Something like being a stay-at-home dad doing a woman's traditional work is worlds different than actually having to take on the physical properties of Woman, those things that are so exclusively female such as breastfeeding and giving birth. It would be extremely difficult for Goku to feel desirable as a man with such powerful blows to his sense of self. If Vegeta wants to truly show his support and prove he's not a hypocrite, he should spend the next month dressed in a frilly pink princess dress with a big bow in his hair, and *then* he can tout his ideas on not defining yourself by gender. :p Anyway, I'm glad you're back! I was feeling very chapter deprived, lol. I'm glad you're writing again and that the chaos in your life seems to be starting to calm down. I hope your father's feeling better, and that your bosses give you a break soon.
 Reviewed By: anastasiavesperman  On: January 19, 2007 01:49 PST
This is totally my favourite fic! I check my mail every day in the hope that it's a day that you have updated. You have treated the subject and characters with respect and injected plenty of feelings of reality into your world. Congratulations!
 Title: chap 55
Reviewed By: Venus legacy not logged  On: January 18, 2007 15:33 PST
Oh my gosh Goku breast feeding, I could feel his sense of unease especialy when all the others were in the room. (I'm confused does Goku actually have breasts, because he mentioned in this chapter that he was relieved he didn't have breasts. hmm maybe I need to refer back to Daikkon's explanation in previous chapters.) Hearing the doctor refer to Goku as 'mother' made me realise how difficult it must be for Goku, I mean how do you handle such a dramatic change as that, believing yourself to be one way and then all of a sudden finding out that you are something else. Or maybe he isn't someone else, as Vegeta said he is still the same Goku and being a mother is nothing to be ashamed of at all, he shouldn't confine himself to gender limitations, but I can imagine how hard it must be, I just imagined if the roles were reversed with Vegeta as the mother, my gosh! I wonder what they will decide to name on the birth certificate, and what prize has Goten won. I'm sorry to hear of what happened to you and your family and I wish you all the best
 Title: Chap 54 act ii
Reviewed By: Venus Legacy not logged  On: January 18, 2007 15:00 PST
Wow this chapter was amazing, you really captured the emotions and anxieties of labour, the way you described it I felt as if it was happening around me. And what a wonderful surprise! two beautiful saiyan babies,I can't wait to see how their lives plan out what with Ninji seeming to embody Goku's qualities and Vejitta has the saiyan prince's, man just imagine what their sparring battles will be like when they grow up (I'm not sure how far you will take this story, but it would be very interesting to see how the future plans out for these two special saiyans). I'm scared of Daikkon now lol I don't know what to think of him, what Vegeta said about Daikkon only doing what will suit his own agenda made me worry, have the Z gang been too trusting of Daikkon? Poor Chi Chi, so far she doesn't seem to have really found her place within the whole situation, she seems a bit like the outsider, atleast that's how it seems to me, I wonder what her real reason for staying in the other room away from Goku and the Saiyan babies portends, and she seemed to be quite insistent that Goku stay at the Briefs, I guess she is just trying to be supportive you can she loves Goku as she said she was really proud of him and gave him a sweet kiss in this chapter. However I wonder if she continues with her actions, she will push Goku away. I mean she hasn't yet acknowledged Ninji and Vejitta yet, but then again it must be a big shock for her. But still I can't help missing the more family orientated, motherly side of Chi chi, I mean she shows it to Goku and her sons but so far it hasn't been shown to the saiyan children. Man I wonder what it will be like when the babies move into the Son household, if they do move into there that is. Ooh and I am definitely loving the names they're wonderful, I'm glad Goku named the second son Vejitta 'in the kings image' how fitting. It is wonderful to watch Vegeta's paternal side blossom even more, I mean we see a part of it when he interacts with Bra, but now it seems as if this side is flourishing even more. Happy one year anniversary, I can't believe it has been that long, well done on a brilliant story.
 Title: Chapter 55
Reviewed By: GokuGirl  On: January 18, 2007 12:37 PST
Ah awesome! I liked this chapter. So cute! You say you squirm whenever Goku has to feed the babies? Well I squeal in delight. XD! Awe. I'm sorry for all that happened in your family. I hope things get better for you. =( Once again, awesome chapter! Looking forward to the next.
 Reviewed By: Rourinu  On: January 18, 2007 10:09 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay! Finally an update. I was getting squirmy waiting for it; but I understand that life gets in the way. Another wonderful chapter. I do feel bad for poor Goku when he has to feed the babies, but I also think it's cool that you made it natural like that. Most M-preg fics neglect the feeding and go straight to bottles. Boo! I eagerly await the next chapter!
 Title: Chapter 55
Reviewed By: Katiefoolery [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2007 23:56 PST
It's lovely to have an update, especially when things are so deceptively calm. I'm still enjoying the mystery of the nearly ki-less twin (can never remember which is which - curse my useless memory...) and I am quite keen to find out why Daikkon is lying low. I have a feeling you're just establishing a false sense of security here so you can spring something on us very soon. (I also hope things ease up a bit and let you get back to this story as often as you'd like. :D )
 Reviewed By: GokuGirl  On: January 14, 2007 20:29 PST
I'm sorry for replying so late! Anyway I love how this chapter came out. Very good. The way you described the birth and everything was wonderful and I pictured it all in my head perfectly. I hope you're in the process of finishing the next chapter now. Maybe it's done already and there's a delay? I've read your other story and it's very cute. :) But please don't give up on this! This is too good! Too original to stop. Oh… and I know you're a yaoi fan. I am too and I'm hoping you'll keep going and slowly get these two Saiyajins together somehow. I'm sure the twins will help this. If not, oh well. This story was still pretty awesome. I wonder how Goku's going to handle those diapers now. XD!
 Reviewed By: Vole [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 14, 2007 01:48 PST
I am suffering from withdrawal. Only you can help me. Please, please, continue to facilitate my unhealthy addiction and make an update... PLEASE!!!
 Reviewed By: UPDATE!  On: January 14, 2007 01:24 PST
UPDATE...ohh gawd please update!!!!!!
 Title: continuing to be amazing
Reviewed By: Trynia Merin  On: January 09, 2007 14:13 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've gotten to 29 and I'm blown away. The scenario that you put Goku and Vegeta through is very original, as in the way they shared ki, and other things. And the aftermath of what they're going through is VERY realistic. I'm sorry I'm taking so long to go through this, but I'm really blown away by the originality! Keep going!
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