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"Unlikely Bond" Reviews/Comments [ 466 ]
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 Title: ch62
Reviewed By: venus legacy(nnot logged)  On: June 01, 2007 11:12 PDT
Woh it's still weird when I hear Goku referred to as the mother, even thought i know that physically he is the mother, it's still weird to take in that physically he is the mother. I wasn't sure if Goku was relieved that the twins will only be breastfed for another month, or if he was shocked at how soon they will be eating solids, and a bit dissappointed that they will no longer need him for sustenance. They won't be as dependent on Goku in a month's time I wonder how that will affect the feeding routine. Trunks and Goten's relationship seems to be moving along quite fast,I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing, I mean I know they are used to sharing a bed from childhood, but do they not need to be taking things slower since they are taking their friendship to the next level. For instance if they were a normal couple dating at first they wouldn't be sharing a bed automatically. But then again perhaps it is because their relationship is unique that "normal" measures can't be applied, they had a strong friendship bond before, so the fact that the lines of friendship and the boundaries of lovers, is blurred somewhat is a good thing. I'm not sure if I'm making sense. I guess I'm curious about the boundary between the bond of childhood friendship and the bond of adult lovers, at what point did the transition occur, and are they rushing into it a bit too soon by not only living under the same roof but by sharing the same bed. It's a lot of changes happening at one time, but like goten said nothing can ruin their friendship. Oh my gosh, I found it so hilarious when the bot thought Chi Chi was Vegeta, I never really thought of seeing the two as that similar before, but I guess it is understandable, the way the two are fiercely protective of their offspring, and the need to feel comfortable and be dominant in their own territory, households, their suspicion of outsiders. The slight clash in the households between the Chi Chi and Bulma where Chi Chi wanted Goten to help clear up, but Bulma suggested that the bots would do it, is interesting. Both women run their households differently, I wonder if it will lead to a future blowout, or perhaps they will find a compromise.
 Title: ch61
Reviewed By: venus legacy (not logged)  On: June 01, 2007 09:38 PDT
I was reading over the escape from Horenz's ship to freshen my memory a bit, I'm assuming Vegeta finished off the job that Goku couldn't do, by killing Horenz, but i'm wondering about the ship full of saiyans, as it wasn't clear what happened to it after Goku Vegeta and everyone else escaped, I doubt Vegeta blew the whole ship up, as Goku wouldn't have allowed it. hmmm I wonder, and also if Daikkon is still in contact with them, that is worrying, will the saiyans want to clain the twins? Chi Chi seems to be quite accomodating with the move and Goten's comment that she wouldn't agree to do something if she didn't want to do it, reassured me, but like you mentioned about them being out of their element, its got to be a big change, as it's not only about moving house, but adapting to a different lifestyle, from country to city, merging with a different family. I wonder how things will progress.
 Title: ch60
Reviewed By: venus legacy (notlogged)  On: June 01, 2007 08:40 PDT
interesting developments. I must say that was a beautiful moment between Trunks and Goten, I wonder how this will affect their relationship. They do seem to be perfect for one another, true companions, I can't wait to see how this develops. And i'm glad Vegeta signed the birth certificates, I felt sad that he viewed himself as clanless, but hopefully the union between the son household and the vegeta household through the twins will result in the rebirth of what he views as his 'dead heritage' even if it is in a different form than he would have expected. I also found it funny the way Goku is able to persuade Vegeta to do things. I am beginning to wonder what Daikkon does in his spare time especially with Vegeta giving him the silent treatment, what is he up to in his isolated moments? p.s I made another mistake in my last review lol I meant to put the title as ch59.
 Title: ch 58
Reviewed By: venus legacy (not logged)  On: June 01, 2007 07:59 PDT
lol sorry about my last comment I put 'piccollo explains it all' for some reason I had 'clarissa explains it all' and kinda fused the two titles together i think. It does seem like a big step to expect the sons to move into the briefs household. I think at first I was like great, it would be so cool, but then I imagined it in reverse, like if Vegeta and Bulma had to move into the sons household and i'm thinking eeek, it puts it more into perspective. But then again the fact that the sons are willing to make the move, especially Chi Chi, speaks volumes about how much they are willing to do for the good of the family. Chi chi continues to surprise me in this story,as I mentioned before i think, in other stories I have read with Chi chi I don't feel I can sympathise with her character much, but you definitely allow us to empathise with her in your interpretation. I wonder how the move will work out in the long run, because Bulma said it is only a short-term solution. I'm lovin the way Bulma seems to be able to just get things going, its like she sees a problem and she must fix it, however i'm also worried about it, especially considering Vegeta's comment about taking Chi Chi's feelings in to account. lol Bra is so sweet its amazing how observant she is, well ahead of her age, I was laughin when Vegeta said he wanted to talk to her about men, and she said 'what do you want to know' lol adorable. Trunks and Goten are becoming my favourites in this, they are so hilarious together you can really feel the connection and camaraderie between them.
 Reviewed By: Vegeta_Whirl_Girl  On: June 01, 2007 07:40 PDT
Oooh, evil ending on a cliffhanger... this story just keeps getting better! Waiting for the next chapter with bated breath!
 Title: ch58-Piccollo explains it all
Reviewed By: Venus Legacy (not logged)  On: June 01, 2007 02:59 PDT
Man I've only just had time to review just finished my studies, but I have been reading your story as a nice relaxation break in between my coursework. I thought I'd review the chapters I missed before reading your latest chapter. I liked Piccolos explanation of Ninji's predicament it makes me wonder what this will mean for when he grows up, the ability to actively repress his ki, or to remain in a constant state of repressed ki, that is just crazy, I thought Vegeta's reaction was classic lol 'he's just lazy' and the fact that lil vejitta is just 'a brat' wanting his daddy's affections, I thought that was really cute. I felt sorry for Vegeta in this chapter, papa is just all worked out man, its quite remarkable to see the change in him, the amount of time he spends with his children, to the point of exhaustion, I guess Vegeta never does things by halves. And I thought it was sweet that Vegeta considers Bulma to be the head of the household the most powerful and that he automatically thought she was referring to herself when she suggested the multiple spouse option. But then it makes me wonder how he perceives his status on Earth, if he doesn't think being a prince makes him the head of the household. What does he think of his title, how does he value it?
 Title: Chapter 65
Reviewed By: Katiefoolery [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 01, 2007 02:25 PDT
Ooh, I want to read that conversation right now! I'm going to be so impatient while waiting for the next chapter. :) I love all the stuff with Trunks and Goten right now - they're totally stealing the show from Goku and Vegeta and the babies. Heh. Lovely lemony goodness with Bulma and Vegeta, too. I loved the way he pretended his tail was acting on its own!
 Reviewed By: Webtester01()  On: May 26, 2007 22:27 PDT
So much action in this chapter.:) I like how Trunks and Goten are handling this next step. I wonder when the little ones will start talking. Or start crawling. :D Looking forward to more.
 Reviewed By: Orchideater [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 23, 2007 01:44 PDT
Yamcha's reaction was hysterical (yeah, fish and visitors! he gets it!) XD I love how he and Bulma have put their time as lovers in the distant past, almost just a fond childhood memory, and now have a this great comfortable-old-friends relationship. The boys' romance seems to be progressing nicely (and quickly!). They're so cute, each with their own emotional concerns about their new connection and everything it entails. Oh, and great conversation between Goku and Vegeta last chapter-- I enjoyed Goku taking Veg to task about his BS on how the body changes shouldn't bother him ;p -- and Vegeta's explanation for why he was doing it made perfect sense, knowing him.
 Reviewed By: Vegeta_Whirl_girl  On: May 19, 2007 08:43 PDT
Yay, another chapter. Really enjoying how the plot is unfolding and character development. Update soon? Pleease!
 Title: Chapter 64
Reviewed By: Katiefoolery [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 18, 2007 05:19 PDT
Well, I for one am not going to complain about the emphasis on the Trunks/Goten relationship in this chapter. You write them so well together - I really can't get enough of it. I just loved Goten's "I don't know where I thought I was going with this" - it was just the perfect response to the situation. It was most amusing and consistent with the characterisation you've developed for him, too. It was a very enjoyable chapter all up, really.
 Title: Chapter 64
Reviewed By: GokuGirl  On: May 17, 2007 19:54 PDT
I missed the previous chapter post before this one. That being the reason I didn't review last chapter. ^_^; But here I am again and this story continues to stay awesome! Yeah I think you should focus more on the twins. They are just too cute to not focus on. Lol! But the Trunks and Goten action was very hot so I don't mind. I'm looking forward to the next post. Take your time and don't feel you have to rush yourself too much, ya know. ^_^
 Reviewed By: Katiefoolery [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 09, 2007 04:06 PDT
A great new chapter, Bdie. I like the way you're letting the characters development and showing the consequences of every action. I'm sure something drastic's about to happen soon and you're just drawing out the suspense. :D
 Reviewed By: _- Webtester01 -_  On: May 07, 2007 19:21 PDT
Great chapter. Goku coming to terms as a food source certainly is difficult. And Vegeta has more things to work on. It will be interesting to see where things progress as far as Daikkon is concerned. Also The new development with Goten and Trunks is nice. That sure is a nice place they went to. Keep up the great work; take your time. :)
 Reviewed By: lovecoma [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 05, 2007 19:03 PDT
Yay! New chapter. And it was great. I loved the discussion/borderline argument between Goku and Vegeta after Goku's...mess. He is right to feel that no one can understand his situation and in his place I would too. So you did a great job with that. But now I have to wait until the next chapter. Hope it isn't too long. :D
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