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"Unlikely Bond" Reviews/Comments [ 466 ]
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 Reviewed By: Bleeper  On: November 15, 2007 18:32 PST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Hey you! =D I thought you might appreciate a comment left here for all to see more than a few simple words at the forum, so here I am. I made a start at Pix' site, but I was shocked to find it never went past the eight chapter, so you can imagine my great surprise when I found the link to your fic on this site. Yes, I'm a certified genius... Anyway, you are fast becoming one of my favorite authors! I love the way you give attention to both families, explore their feelings and still maintain the realistic feel of these characters. Your way of story-stelling is both gripping and and... gah, it's just amazing! See here the reason why I don't write. ;P I know I've still got a lot of ground to cover before I reach the end, but I needed to get this out of my system. You are a great writer and I want to thank you for making the effort to please the fans and continue this. I mean, c'mon 70 chapters! You can't imagine how much I'm looking forward to what's to come. To be honest, I almost wish to stop reading because to keep going would mean less and less reading material... GAH. But I have to. I'm only at Chapter 21 right now, but it seems SO close to Chapter 70. Okay, just one more thing before I go. I just wanted to say I love the way you portray Goten. Sure, it's not how I would have done him, but he's so real right now. Both a rough young man with his tough words and actions, and at the same time... For instance that scene where he discovered Saiyan males could get pregnant as well. It reminded me of a scene from this movie, so touching and laden with emotion even though no one's crying. I had a tear in my eye there. Maybe I'm weird like that, but it touched something inside me. Now you may think I'm a weirdo. ^-^; That's okay, as long as you keep writing and have fun with the story I don't care. Thanks again for sharing your work and may the muse and time be with you. ;D
 Reviewed By: sharkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 07, 2007 14:01 PST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
When someone has as many reviews as you it's a thing of pride that normally stops me from reviewing. But I think it's after everytime I come on I immedietly go through the long winded process of finding it- and grow bored of doing that which leads me to logging into my account for the first time in months JUST to add your stories to favourites- I think I realise that I really really like your story. AS IN I LOVE IT The characterisation is dead good in my opinion. It's just.... so many things about it are... *wooshing noise*. Everything seems to have been thought through, it's often the smaller things that just make me go 'OMG that's smart' like the whole lazy babies and that. Your details make me feel happy. Your story has a lot of chapters- and I got through them. I'm happy about that and want more and if you discontinue this story (unlikely as it is) I will positivley strangle you with the most accessible string i can find.... the story is almost like a canon mpreg. As in- if it wasn't,well, the way Dragon Ball Z is- I can actually imagine it happening. The only uncannon thing about the characters in my opinion is that both of the teenage boys seem to be so virginal. But then again, that's me being GLaswegian I guess :P ^^ *Squees alot* I normally can't be arsed pressing the review button- but I did- because I love this story.
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 02, 2007 20:58 PDT
I was driving home from work this evening, listening to some really good classical music on the radio, when I remembered the scene with Vegeta from a couple of chapters ago. While I'd never thought about it before, that scene made so much sense to me. It seems absolutely appropriate and very Vegetaish to have developed a taste for fine aged scotch and well executed classical music. I can just picture him mulling over the events of the day, with a couple of fingers of scotch and a roomfull of sound. I have no idea where you are going with this group mating matters. Your saiyan society info refers to a main central very strong spouse about whom the others are married like satellites(grandma had 3 husbands; someone else had a couple of shome, maybe one male and one female) but Goku has Chi Chi, so to work this out you'd either have to kill off ChiChi, or do some other kind of thing, with a V (bulma, goku) but then leave Gokux chichi as a side path, cause I really don't see Chichi and Vegeta EVER being a pairing. You may not know how (or even if) you are going to resolve this Vegeta / Goku tension, but I Hope you're spending lots of time in front of the computer.
 Reviewed By: Vejitalover [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2007 10:23 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have enjoyed every chapter of this story. You give the characters depth and keep them in character. Thank you for sharing your gift of story telling.
 Reviewed By: Marieka  On: October 20, 2007 13:51 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Hey ^_^ I finally came in to review. Webtester01 introduced me to your fic. I'm not a DBZ fan so it was a bit hard for me to follow at first. After I read the first few chapters I really started to enjoy myself. I finally caught up around 68 I think... I figured after meeting you briefly in the chat room it would be prudent of me to actually make an effort to review this wonderful piece of fan fiction that I enjoy so much. Thank you so much for sharing. As long as you have something to share. I'll still be reading it.
 Title: Chapter 70
Reviewed By: Katiefoolery [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 20, 2007 07:05 PDT
It was definitely worth the wait. It's great to have a really long chapter, even though your addictive writing style often makes it feel as though the chapter's just zipped by. :) There were some great developments in here. And I have to agree (again) with other people who've mentioned Daikkon's appearance of sneakiness. He'll probably turn out to be completely innocent, but I just can't trust him! I liked the final scene with Vegeta and Goku and the way it was interrupted at such a simple but pivotal moment. It was subtle, yet I'm still contemplating what might have come of it, had Chichi not stopped by at that very moment. I'll be interested to see what happens when Vegeta and Trunks go off on their trip and how all the parties involved react to the temporary separation.
 Title: Unlikely Bond
Reviewed By: Vegeta_whirl_girl  On: October 20, 2007 07:05 PDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Worth the wait as usual! Just watching (reading!) the characters and plot develop keeps my checking back to see if a new chapter is posted. Keep it up!
 Title: Chapter 70
Reviewed By: GokuGirl  On: October 20, 2007 03:39 PDT
Whoo!! A very good chapter. A lot has been covered in here. Because it's really late where I am and I'm dead tired, I don't have much to say right now. I'm sorry about that. Well, I'm glad this was updated and I can't wait to read more! You truly are one of my favorite fan-fic writers. ^_^
 Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 19, 2007 21:40 PDT
I've been enjoying this very much, which somewhat surprises me as it IS so long. I picked it up in June, and after reading through to that point, went 'but... where's the rest?' Somehow, you have, IMO, maintained the energy of the fanfic, shifting gears from plot point to new plot point, rather than getting bogged down in a literary equivalent of "same old, same old and so forth." I agree with vegeta and the reviewers who don't trust Daikkon. Chi Chi doesn't distrust hin, she just doesn't think space is safe for the children. But I don't think Vegeta distrusts him enough. No one has brought up (at least you haven't had anyone bring up) the biggest risk to those babies. those babies are far more valuable than either Goku or Vegeta. History is replete with kings fathering a child and then dying, and the kingdom is run by a regent. vegeta is now expendable as a martyr, and a strong figure could rule under the guise of regency, all the while using the sons for figureheads AND raising them the way the regent wanted. To me this seems SO obvious that I think you've left it out deliberately, and that something along this line is in the works for the future. Someone who planned as carefully and for as long as that Saiyan leader (whose name is escaping me) would have contingency plans, and Daikkon could easily be a plant (so to speak -g-). He could kidnap the children and try to make his way off earth, or the other Saiyans could arrive and he might betray the family then. Daikkon doesn't strike me as being the strongest personality, and he could easily cave to the other Saiyans, even if he isn't specifically a mole. On a separate line of thought, I really like the fact that the babies have such different personalities (just like real babies.) That sort of creativity adds dimensions to your work. I want to just sit down and read this, and find it frustrating to have to wait for you to actually write it (g) Thanks for putting the time into it.
 Reviewed By: chantal18  On: October 19, 2007 04:05 PDT
the story isn't bad but it is to long a sequel after the birth of the the babies would be better
 Reviewed By: Webtester01-  On: October 18, 2007 20:19 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful!!!!! *hugs* Wow! This chapter covers a lot of ground. Also is a hot one. :) The family dynamics are shifting slightly, but improving the situation. And you had Dr. Trunks educate Goten on digits. *grin* I get the feeling that at some point in the future more saiyans may show up on earth. Maybe it's my imagination. Anyway, glad to see the update. Your writing has improved! Kudos!
 Reviewed By: lovecoma [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 18, 2007 20:06 PDT
GREAT chapter. I gotta say, I had a lousy day and seeing the notice that this was updated and then reading it did brighten it a bit. You've just got such an interesting take on everything. And again with the possibility for a V/G tease. I so hope you go there! I do agree with Chichi and Vegeta though: Daikon just keeps getting fishier and creepier. I keep expecting a "it puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again" type line out of his mouth. Yikes. What a weirdo. :D Please don't leave your readers hanging to long, although I totally understand what it is to be to busy with other things.
 Reviewed By: Webtester01~  On: September 06, 2007 23:05 PDT
Awsome chapter! It would be interesting if Vegeta and Goku... well you know... if the family gets more closely bonded. A saiyan-style family structure. :) Anyway, I thought the reactions and behaviors were well thought out and portrayed wonderfully. Keep it up.
 Title: Chapter 69
Reviewed By: Katiefoolery [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 04, 2007 17:48 PDT
I loved Chi Chi's reaction to the news - it was just perfect. It was in-character without going overboard and it worked well. I also think you did a great job with Goku and Vegeta's conversation, especially with the way Goku kept coming out with questions that seemed almost perfectly designed to elicit some sort of confession or recollection from Vegeta that he isn't quite ready to give yet.
 Title: chap 69
Reviewed By: Venus Legacy not logged  On: August 22, 2007 09:43 PDT
Lol at Webtrester01 comment about the much needed 'mutual digital stimulation' between Goten and Trunks. Oh my gosh, Chi Chi is hilarious, but that is such a classic reaction, it reminds me of how she reacted to Videl and Gohan when she found out Videl was rich, lol. I love the cryptic, yet open way Vegeta responds to deep questions ""I see nothing inaccurate in your statements," he commented" seemingly revealing nothing, yet at the same time revealing everything that needs to be said. I also really enjoy Goku and Vegeta's interaction, I've said this before, but it's true, the friendship the two have with each other now is remarkable. It is also quite refreshing to see Vegeta's role as comforter, the solid and secure one expressed more here. Goku is seeking Vegeta out for solace, and to ease his inner turmoil. I bet they did not realise the can of worms that would be unleashed from such a conversation. I was actually waiting for one of them to express anxiety over Goten and Trunk's relationship, because of what they were forced to go through. I actually thought it would be Vegeta that would voice his concerns to Trunks, but this way also makes sense, as Goku was the one who actually had the babies. I can't believe Vegeta actually said that about fighting and sex being almost synonymous, lol, what does that say about his and Goku's regular sparring matches? This outburst from Vegeta really struck me: "I can't make it up to you, Kakkarot -- we are married!" Vegeta snapped before he could think.". Not only does it show the guilt that Vegeta still feels over what happened, but it also hints at something unresolved between the two, unfinished business, hmm I wonder what their future has instore for them. Bra's reaction to Goten and Trunks, although seemingly expressing acceptance, seemed a bit cold to me, I think it is good that she loves her brother more, but still I don't know, if not for the fact that she released her emotions to her father, it would be troubling. I'm glad Vegeta gave her that outlet. And what on Earth is Daikkon up to? I swear he makes me more suspicious by the minute, I don't know what he is doing, he disappears for ages, very mysterious, I know this plot didn't really have much to do with him, but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be a bit wary of him, especially when Vegeta and Chi Chi don't trust him. Is Horenz's ship still out there, with the saiyans, maybe Bra's future saiyan husband is on that ship, lol, I can't imagine her with someone she can beat up. I'm still not sure if the ship got destroyed or not, so my speculation about the other saiyans could be moot.
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