InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We Will Become Silhouettes

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Fan Fiction Index

Enter Sesshomaru, the Jackass ( Chapter 1 )
Dagger ( Chapter 2 )
Only in Dreams ( Chapter 3 )
Hey Man Nice Shot ( Chapter 4 )
Karma is a Bitch ( Chapter 5 )
Naraku's Proposition and Sesshomaru's Decision ( Chapter 6 )
Hell Hath No fury ( Chapter 7 )
A Hurt So Deep ( Chapter 8 )
Blood Lust ( Chapter 9 )
The Difference in the Shades ( Chapter 10 )
A Happy Hanyou is a Horny One ( Chapter 11 )
Drunk Off Your Kiss ( Chapter 12 )
Tainted Love ( Chapter 13 )
Sinner's Serenade ( Chapter 14 )
In Other Words I Hate You ( Chapter 15 )
The Secret's in the Telling ( Chapter 16 )
We Come Crashing Down ( Chapter 17 )
Fight Off Your Demons! ( Chapter 18 )
As We Sleep ( Chapter 19 )
It All Comes Down To This ( Chapter 20 )
No Lies, Just Love ( Chapter 21 )
The Future; Yours and Mine ( Chapter 22 )
Alone Forever ( Chapter 23 )
Heated Confessions ( Chapter 24 )

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