InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kindergarten Flirting

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Fan Fiction Index

Your Average Mean Ol' Boss ( Chapter 1 )
Being Nice? ( Chapter 2 )
Sexual Harassment ( Chapter 3 )
Tables Have Turned ( Chapter 4 )
Business Sexual ( Chapter 5 )
You Only Thought You Quit ( Chapter 6 )
Prelude to the Wolf's Den ( Chapter 7 )
Enter The Wolf's Den ( Chapter 8 )
Shockingly Climatic ( Chapter 9 )
Neurosurgeon Brother of Mine ( Chapter 10 )
The Other Side of Inuyasha ( Chapter 11 )
Internal Scoreboard ( Chapter 12 )
Paradoxical Oxymoron ( Chapter 13 )
The Ramen After ( Chapter 14 )
You've Played My Game, Now I'll Play Yours ( Chapter 15 )
Ode To The Green Eyed Monster ( Chapter 16 )
Dawn of Desire ( Chapter 17 )
Chiisu, Kaoru, Kikyo, Oh My! ( Chapter 18 )
Operation: Doomsday ( Chapter 19 )
Upendi ( Chapter 20 )
Sleepover at the Takahashi Manor ( Chapter 21 )
More Important than Work ( Chapter 22 )
Only So Much A Full Human Can Take ( Chapter 23 )
Payback's a Wolf ( Chapter 24 )
Anticipate the Wrath of a Sweet Inuyasha ( Chapter 25 )
Renchaku ( Chapter 26 )
An Extremely Angry Kagome ( Chapter 27 )
Bonding ( Chapter 28 )
Removing the Renchaku? ( Chapter 29 )
Same Old, Same Old ( Chapter 30 )
Inu Meow ( Chapter 31 )
Technicalities ( Chapter 32 )
Time Together ( Chapter 33 )
When All is Said and Done ( Chapter 34 )
A Variation of the Morning After ( Chapter 35 )
Raining Roses ( Chapter 36 )
Merengue a ding ding ( Chapter 37 )
Because of Her ( Chapter 38 )
Mark of Intent, Possibly ( Chapter 39 )
Rin's Subtlety ( Chapter 40 )
The Calm before the Storm ( Chapter 41 )
The Storm, I ( Chapter 42 )
The Storm, II ( Chapter 43 )
Soul Mates ( Chapter 44 )
Mark of Intent ( Chapter 45 )
Welcome to the Family ( Chapter 46 )
A Pasty Situation ( Chapter 47 )
A Promotion to Last a Lifetime ( Chapter 48 )

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